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'', \CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => $options['verify_peer'], \CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => $options['verify_host'] ? 2 : 0, \CURLOPT_CAINFO => $options['cafile'], \CURLOPT_CAPATH => $options['capath'], \CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST => $options['ciphers'], \CURLOPT_SSLCERT => $options['local_cert'], \CURLOPT_SSLKEY => $options['local_pk'], \CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD => $options['passphrase'], \CURLOPT_CERTINFO => $options['capture_peer_cert_chain'], ]; if (1.0 === (float) $options['http_version']) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0; } elseif (1.1 === (float) $options['http_version']) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1; } elseif (\defined('CURL_VERSION_HTTP2') && (\CURL_VERSION_HTTP2 & CurlClientState::$curlVersion['features']) && ('https:' === $scheme || 2.0 === (float) $options['http_version'])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0; } if (isset($options['auth_ntlm'])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = \CURLAUTH_NTLM; $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1; if (\is_array($options['auth_ntlm'])) { $count = \count($options['auth_ntlm']); if ($count <= 0 || $count > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_ntlm" must contain 1 or 2 elements, %d given.', $count)); } $options['auth_ntlm'] = implode(':', $options['auth_ntlm']); } if (!\is_string($options['auth_ntlm'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Option "auth_ntlm" must be a string or an array, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($options['auth_ntlm']))); } $curlopts[\CURLOPT_USERPWD] = $options['auth_ntlm']; } if (!\ZEND_THREAD_SAFE) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE] = false; } if (\defined('CURLOPT_HEADEROPT') && \defined('CURLHEADER_SEPARATE')) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HEADEROPT] = \CURLHEADER_SEPARATE; } // curl's resolve feature varies by host:port but ours varies by host only, let's handle this with our own DNS map if (isset($multi->dnsCache->hostnames[$host])) { $options['resolve'] += [$host => $multi->dnsCache->hostnames[$host]]; } if ($options['resolve'] || $multi->dnsCache->evictions) { // First reset any old DNS cache entries then add the new ones $resolve = $multi->dnsCache->evictions; $multi->dnsCache->evictions = []; $port = parse_url($authority, \PHP_URL_PORT) ?: ('http:' === $scheme ? 80 : 443); if ($resolve && 0x072A00 > CurlClientState::$curlVersion['version_number']) { // DNS cache removals require curl 7.42 or higher $multi->reset(); } foreach ($options['resolve'] as $host => $ip) { $resolve[] = null === $ip ? "-$host:$port" : "$host:$port:$ip"; $multi->dnsCache->hostnames[$host] = $ip; $multi->dnsCache->removals["-$host:$port"] = "-$host:$port"; } $curlopts[\CURLOPT_RESOLVE] = $resolve; } if ('POST' === $method) { // Use CURLOPT_POST to have browser-like POST-to-GET redirects for 301, 302 and 303 $curlopts[\CURLOPT_POST] = true; } elseif ('HEAD' === $method) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true; } else { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $method; } if ('\\' !== \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && $options['timeout'] < 1) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL] = true; } if (\extension_loaded('zlib') && !isset($options['normalized_headers']['accept-encoding'])) { $options['headers'][] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'; // Expose only one encoding, some servers mess up when more are provided } $body = $options['body']; foreach ($options['headers'] as $i => $header) { if (\is_string($body) && '' !== $body && 0 === stripos($header, 'Content-Length: ')) { // Let curl handle Content-Length headers unset($options['headers'][$i]); continue; } if (':' === $header[-2] && \strlen($header) - 2 === strpos($header, ': ')) { // curl requires a special syntax to send empty headers $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = substr_replace($header, ';', -2); } else { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = $header; } } // Prevent curl from sending its default Accept and Expect headers foreach (['accept', 'expect'] as $header) { if (!isset($options['normalized_headers'][$header][0])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = $header.':'; } } if (!\is_string($body)) { if (\is_resource($body)) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_INFILE] = $body; } else { $eof = false; $buffer = ''; $curlopts[\CURLOPT_READFUNCTION] = static function ($ch, $fd, $length) use ($body, &$buffer, &$eof) { return self::readRequestBody($length, $body, $buffer, $eof); }; } if (isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-length'][0])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = (int) substr($options['normalized_headers']['content-length'][0], \strlen('Content-Length: ')); } elseif (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['transfer-encoding'])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = -1; } if ('POST' !== $method) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_UPLOAD] = true; if (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-type']) && 0 !== ($curlopts[\CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] ?? null)) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } } } elseif ('' !== $body || 'POST' === $method) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $body; } if ($options['peer_fingerprint']) { if (!isset($options['peer_fingerprint']['pin-sha256'])) { throw new TransportException(__CLASS__.' supports only "pin-sha256" fingerprints.'); } $curlopts[\CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY] = 'sha256//'.implode(';sha256//', $options['peer_fingerprint']['pin-sha256']); } if ($options['bindto']) { if (file_exists($options['bindto'])) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH] = $options['bindto']; } elseif (!str_starts_with($options['bindto'], 'if!') && preg_match('/^(.*):(\d+)$/', $options['bindto'], $matches)) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_INTERFACE] = $matches[1]; $curlopts[\CURLOPT_LOCALPORT] = $matches[2]; } else { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_INTERFACE] = $options['bindto']; } } if (0 < $options['max_duration']) { $curlopts[\CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS] = 1000 * $options['max_duration']; } if (!empty($options['extra']['curl']) && \is_array($options['extra']['curl'])) { $this->validateExtraCurlOptions($options['extra']['curl']); $curlopts += $options['extra']['curl']; } if ($pushedResponse = $multi->pushedResponses[$url] ?? null) { unset($multi->pushedResponses[$url]); if (self::acceptPushForRequest($method, $options, $pushedResponse)) { $this->logger && $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Accepting pushed response: "%s %s"', $method, $url)); // Reinitialize the pushed response with request's options $ch = $pushedResponse->handle; $pushedResponse = $pushedResponse->response; $pushedResponse->__construct($multi, $url, $options, $this->logger); } else { $this->logger && $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Rejecting pushed response: "%s"', $url)); $pushedResponse = null; } } if (!$pushedResponse) { $ch = curl_init(); $this->logger && $this->logger->info(sprintf('Request: "%s %s"', $method, $url)); $curlopts += [\CURLOPT_SHARE => $multi->share]; } foreach ($curlopts as $opt => $value) { if (null !== $value && !curl_setopt($ch, $opt, $value) && \CURLOPT_CERTINFO !== $opt && (!\defined('CURLOPT_HEADEROPT') || \CURLOPT_HEADEROPT !== $opt)) { $constantName = $this->findConstantName($opt); throw new TransportException(sprintf('Curl option "%s" is not supported.', $constantName ?? $opt)); } } return $pushedResponse ?? new CurlResponse($multi, $ch, $options, $this->logger, $method, self::createRedirectResolver($options, $host), CurlClientState::$curlVersion['version_number']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function stream($responses, ?float $timeout = null): ResponseStreamInterface { if ($responses instanceof CurlResponse) { $responses = [$responses]; } elseif (!is_iterable($responses)) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('"%s()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of CurlResponse objects, "%s" given.', __METHOD__, get_debug_type($responses))); } $multi = $this->ensureState(); if (\is_resource($multi->handle) || $multi->handle instanceof \CurlMultiHandle) { $active = 0; while (\CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM === curl_multi_exec($multi->handle, $active)) { } } return new ResponseStream(CurlResponse::stream($responses, $timeout)); } public function reset() { if (isset($this->multi)) { $this->multi->reset(); } } /** * Accepts pushed responses only if their headers related to authentication match the request. */ private static function acceptPushForRequest(string $method, array $options, PushedResponse $pushedResponse): bool { if ('' !== $options['body'] || $method !== $pushedResponse->requestHeaders[':method'][0]) { return false; } foreach (['proxy', 'no_proxy', 'bindto', 'local_cert', 'local_pk'] as $k) { if ($options[$k] !== $pushedResponse->parentOptions[$k]) { return false; } } foreach (['authorization', 'cookie', 'range', 'proxy-authorization'] as $k) { $normalizedHeaders = $options['normalized_headers'][$k] ?? []; foreach ($normalizedHeaders as $i => $v) { $normalizedHeaders[$i] = substr($v, \strlen($k) + 2); } if (($pushedResponse->requestHeaders[$k] ?? []) !== $normalizedHeaders) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Wraps the request's body callback to allow it to return strings longer than curl requested. */ private static function readRequestBody(int $length, \Closure $body, string &$buffer, bool &$eof): string { if (!$eof && \strlen($buffer) < $length) { if (!\is_string($data = $body($length))) { throw new TransportException(sprintf('The return value of the "body" option callback must be a string, "%s" returned.', get_debug_type($data))); } $buffer .= $data; $eof = '' === $data; } $data = substr($buffer, 0, $length); $buffer = substr($buffer, $length); return $data; } /** * Resolves relative URLs on redirects and deals with authentication headers. * * Work around CVE-2018-1000007: Authorization and Cookie headers should not follow redirects - fixed in Curl 7.64 */ private static function createRedirectResolver(array $options, string $host): \Closure { $redirectHeaders = []; if (0 < $options['max_redirects']) { $redirectHeaders['host'] = $host; $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($options['headers'], static function ($h) { return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Host:'); }); if (isset($options['normalized_headers']['authorization'][0]) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['cookie'][0])) { $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($options['headers'], static function ($h) { return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Authorization:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Cookie:'); }); } } return static function ($ch, string $location, bool $noContent) use (&$redirectHeaders, $options) { try { $location = self::parseUrl($location); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { return null; } if ($noContent && $redirectHeaders) { $filterContentHeaders = static function ($h) { return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Length:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Type:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Transfer-Encoding:'); }; $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['no_auth'], $filterContentHeaders); $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['with_auth'], $filterContentHeaders); } if ($redirectHeaders && $host = parse_url('http:'.$location['authority'], \PHP_URL_HOST)) { $requestHeaders = $redirectHeaders['host'] === $host ? $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] : $redirectHeaders['no_auth']; curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $requestHeaders); } elseif ($noContent && $redirectHeaders) { curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $redirectHeaders['with_auth']); } $url = self::parseUrl(curl_getinfo($ch, \CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL)); $url = self::resolveUrl($location, $url); curl_setopt($ch, \CURLOPT_PROXY, self::getProxyUrl($options['proxy'], $url)); return implode('', $url); }; } private function ensureState(): CurlClientState { if (!isset($this->multi)) { $this->multi = new CurlClientState($this->maxHostConnections, $this->maxPendingPushes); $this->multi->logger = $this->logger; } return $this->multi; } private function findConstantName(int $opt): ?string { $constants = array_filter(get_defined_constants(), static function ($v, $k) use ($opt) { return $v === $opt && 'C' === $k[0] && (str_starts_with($k, 'CURLOPT_') || str_starts_with($k, 'CURLINFO_')); }, \ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH); return key($constants); } /** * Prevents overriding options that are set internally throughout the request. */ private function validateExtraCurlOptions(array $options): void { $curloptsToConfig = [ // options used in CurlHttpClient \CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => 'auth_ntlm', \CURLOPT_USERPWD => 'auth_ntlm', \CURLOPT_RESOLVE => 'resolve', \CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL => 'timeout', \CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => 'headers', \CURLOPT_INFILE => 'body', \CURLOPT_READFUNCTION => 'body', \CURLOPT_INFILESIZE => 'body', \CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'body', \CURLOPT_UPLOAD => 'body', \CURLOPT_INTERFACE => 'bindto', \CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS => 'max_duration', \CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 'max_duration', \CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 'max_redirects', \CURLOPT_POSTREDIR => 'max_redirects', \CURLOPT_PROXY => 'proxy', \CURLOPT_NOPROXY => 'no_proxy', \CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 'verify_peer', \CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 'verify_host', \CURLOPT_CAINFO => 'cafile', \CURLOPT_CAPATH => 'capath', \CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST => 'ciphers', \CURLOPT_SSLCERT => 'local_cert', \CURLOPT_SSLKEY => 'local_pk', \CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD => 'passphrase', \CURLOPT_CERTINFO => 'capture_peer_cert_chain', \CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'normalized_headers', \CURLOPT_REFERER => 'headers', // options used in CurlResponse \CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS => 'on_progress', \CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION => 'on_progress', ]; if (\defined('CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH')) { $curloptsToConfig[\CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH] = 'bindto'; } if (\defined('CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY')) { $curloptsToConfig[\CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY] = 'peer_fingerprint'; } $curloptsToCheck = [ \CURLOPT_PRIVATE, \CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, \CURLOPT_VERBOSE, \CURLOPT_STDERR, \CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, \CURLOPT_URL, \CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, \CURLOPT_HEADER, \CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, \CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, \CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, \CURLOPT_PORT, \CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE, \CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, \CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, \CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, \CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT, ]; if (\defined('CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED')) { $curloptsToCheck[] = \CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED; } if (\defined('CURLOPT_HEADEROPT')) { $curloptsToCheck[] = \CURLOPT_HEADEROPT; } $methodOpts = [ \CURLOPT_POST, \CURLOPT_PUT, \CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, \CURLOPT_HTTPGET, \CURLOPT_NOBODY, ]; foreach ($options as $opt => $optValue) { if (isset($curloptsToConfig[$opt])) { $constName = $this->findConstantName($opt) ?? $opt; throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot set "%s" with "extra.curl", use option "%s" instead.', $constName, $curloptsToConfig[$opt])); } if (\in_array($opt, $methodOpts)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The HTTP method cannot be overridden using "extra.curl".'); } if (\in_array($opt, $curloptsToCheck)) { $constName = $this->findConstantName($opt) ?? $opt; throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot set "%s" with "extra.curl".', $constName)); } } } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.